Friday, 20 September 2013

Me just love sunway

assalammualikum. hye there so last night i went to sunway pyramid to bought a new pair of shoes.  because i was really like an expert when you talk bout destroy the shoes. haha

well we went at night because i finished my class at 4 p.m. we need to bath first then sleep for a while when we had class from morning to evening. really tired. seriosuly i dont understand the time table.
just got one hour for break. are you kidding me?! one hour break then do you think we doesnt need to pray or eat?! just say you didnt give us eat so how bout Zohor prayer? we had a break on 1p.m. and start class on 2p.m. so usually azan Zohor will be around 1.30p.m. then as a woman well you guys need to wear back your hijab after pray right or touch up so you doesnt look like a 'sick chicken' on evening class. our mosque is about 50m from our class. so you know it takes time. and we girls cant run in although we want to be as fast as we can.

we cant like run crazily in our baju kurung with our heel. jyeah. just imagine. you run crazily inyour baju kurung and wear a 3 inch high heel then 'bedebum' you fall to the ground. walawei swear to God it was so hummiliating.

well enough of class break so i went to sunway on night and after we get what 'we' (actually me) want to buy then just straight back to shah alam sek 13 and enjoy our dinner at usual place. thanks to my friend for accompanying me for all these time. love u guys <3

p/s: so you know the reason i always bought new pair of shoes. cuz i love to run in my heels. i hope i wont do this habit too much. or not im going to go bankrupt.

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