assalammualaikum and hye had been such a long time since my last post was published...totally had no time to post anything...right now i just love to update in a busy lady you see...haha ok that is so freaking annoying
well my life in Malacca is boring maybe I dont my friends at here...miss them so much...but thanks to Allah I still had my mom...if not im gonna die because being too bored
my mom is so sweet to me...she doesnt know how to take a picture but because I ask her she just cant refuse...hehe...see the first was taken by her...ngee
I love you ma...thanks for just like hear my nagging and bla bla
although the picture you take is continuos shot but it came out you ma...i know how hard to raise such a stubborn girl like me...but in this world only you know how to make this stubborn one to feel be cared again